
Prana Pratishta / Videos / Importance

Idol to Diety(Inviting) and Diety to Idol(Sending)

Those who wish to offer service (seva) to the Paramatma at home

Idol to Diety(Inviting)
Aavahayami (I invite),
Sthapayami (I establish/seat),
Poojayami ( I worship).

Worship and Prayer
• Then we offer water, flowers, leaves, fragrant substances, delicious food, music, dance etc as a service (seva) to ‘That’.
• Then we ask ‘That’ to grant our wishes and needs(Spiritual / Material).

Diety to Idol(Sending)
At the end of the day or period of worship, we offer the pooja again and
ask ‘That’ to leave the Vigraha by Chanting OM Shanti OM Shanti OM Shanti.

Note: This Kind of Worship is Very Practical in KaliYuga Due to its Simplicity and Lack of Rigidity
